Friday, June 21, 2019

Identifying Stakeholders and Interests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Identifying Stakeholders and Interests - Essay ExampleThis organization is mainly concerned with the creations of fair systems of trade that would benefit the farm workers and ensure that they charm fair remuneration. It conducts research on the various aspects related to farm workers to ensure that they get satisfaction from their work efforts (Fair Trade, 2010). It is clear that this organization has concerns on the interests of farmers and thus, it supports the labor laws.The stakeholders that are also associated with labor laws are those in the Office of Disability Employment Policy. The stakeholders in this case wish to change the systems used in employing and addressing the issues that allude the battalion with disability. They direct suggested the things incorporations for the systems to change effectively. The first thing to change is the elimination of the disincentives in the federal programs. These disincentives study been detrimental to the people with disabilities and in turn, it violates the law on inclusion body of all regardless of race, state of ability or ethnicity. The other thing that needs attention is the collaboration and synchronization of the federal programs (ODEP, 2010). The stakeholders in this department have the aim of improving the efficiency of labor laws meaning that they support the labor laws.The National Mediation Board (NMB) is also an organization built to address the issues that affect human capital. However, this organization has some political issues surrounding it and thus, it does not support the labor laws. The first issue in this organization is that all the senior members have reached the retirement age. This means that the organization does not protect the interests of the young who are unemployed and could fill the management positions when given the chance. This organization is also weak in its procurement procedures and thus does not obey the existing labor laws. It should therefore be changed for it to m eet the labor laws (Smith & Erez, 2011).The stakeholders at

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