Sunday, June 2, 2019

Essays - Capital Punishment is Our Best Solution for Unwanted Criminals :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Essays - Capital Punishment is Our Best Solution for Unwanted Criminals Have you been wondering where all our revenue enhancement dollars are going to these days?A large amount of it is going towards maintaining murderers, rapists and thieves,and for what reason, to live the good life? The average prisoner costs thefederal politics one hundred and fifty dollars a day which amounts to fifty-three thousand four hundred dollars a year. Now, ask yourself this question, Isit worth all this money to conserve these savage criminals in jail? Do you reallywant these brutal criminals after release from prison roaming freely in ourstreets near our homes? The ultimate resolvent to these questions is only tooevident, we must control the situation, we need to enforce an alternative... weneed Capital Punishment. For all of the murderers, thieves, drug lords, rapists and any other severelaw perpetrator, on that point must be some form of control and it must be capitalpunishment. Any person who kills people with no regrets or rapes impartialvictims continuously, does not deserve to live in a luxurious North Americanpenitentiary or anywhere for that matter, they deserve nothing but the demolitionpenalty. When the words death penalty or capital punishment are heard, theyobviously are disturbing and uncomfortable, but so are their crimes. There isno hope for criminals with this gentle of behavior and mentality. I believe thatcapital punishment is the key necessity. If capital punishment was enforced for severe crimes, it would eliminate afair amount of tax money going towards the judiciary system. If a prison wereto maintain a deadly criminal sentenced for life starting at the age of thirtyand nutrition to seventy, it would cost tax payers an unbelievable amount of twomillion one hundred and thirty-six thousand dollars. It is hard to believe butit is true, and imagine, if that is the cost of but one criminal, imagine theastronomical amount of five hundred criminals eac h costing that amount ofmoney... something must be done. Capital punishment would eliminate thosefigures and snuff it you and me a whole lot happier. When a murderer kills a person and goes to court, he expects to get aroundthirty to fifty years in jail, and if he behaves well in prison, he could verywell get out in half the time. It is also a fact that after the criminal hasbeen released from prison, he will most likely perform the same acts thatrendered him there in the first place. Society cant handle these brutal

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