Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Benefits and Challenges in Research Methodologies- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theBenefits and Challenges in Research Methodologies forData. Answer: Methodology: Proposed methodology with justification Secondary data analysis method is used in this particular research study. This methodology someone has collected the data previously, such that the researcher does not have resources, time and money to conduct the research phase (Lewis, 2015). The data are collected and stored into an electronic format; such that the researcher can able to spend enough time to analyze the data instead of collecting the data for data analysis. Positivism research philosophy is dependent on the quantifiable observations which are leading to the statistical analysis. It is benefited as this study is independent form of the research study and there are no such provisions for the human interests into the study. It has benefited of that the researcher is limited to collection of data and interpretation through the objective approach. The findings of this research are observable as well as quantifiable (Shin et al., 2013). It is widely covers the range of the situations and it is relevant to the policy deci sions when the statistics are being overstated into larger samples. Proposed experiment and experimental design Descriptive research design has benefits such as it requires specific forms of collecting of data such as case study, survey as well as observations. It provides with an innovative means of data collection (Wang, 2015). The case studies on SDN security issues are based on different sources such as newspaper and journal articles. Data collection methods Secondary data are breadth of accessible data. Most of the data related to SDN security issues are longitudinal, therefore same data are collected from same population over various time periods (Yin, 2013). It permits the researchers to look at the trend as well as changes of the incident over the time. Secondary data are considered as data collection method to maintain the expertise levels that are not present within individual researchers (Ioannidis et al., 2014). The data collection for the federal data set is performed by the staff members those are specialized in particular tasks and they have several years of experience in particular area and survey. Data analysis procedure, reflection and analysis Qualitative research technique is that the issues are evaluated in depth and also in details. The interviews taken are not limited to particular research questions and it is redirected and guided by the researchers within real time (Abbott McKinney, 2013). The research framework is revised immediately such as real information as well as findings are emerged. Therefore, the benefit is that the researcher can gain of clear vision of the research study and collect data into real time (Ray, 2015). Expected results The research study is focused on development of security measures as SDN requires security requirements (Rawat Reddy, 2017). It is used to describe practical application of the theories which are studied to gain access to the content of the research study. It allows the researcher to conduct the research study based on secondary sources which help to define SDN security issues and its respective countermeasures properly. The deductive approach helps to explain the theories and concepts related to SDN security issues. It aims to construct theory with most of the concepts of the data analysis (Braun Menth, 2014). This approach are not acquiring of new information and data. It is non-informative. Limitations of the study, ethical issues and future research Secondary data analysis is that sometimes it does not give solution to particular research question of the researcher. It does not collect data on geographic region and specific population with the aim of the researcher is involved to study (Savin-Baden Major, 2013). As the researcher is not collecting the data, therefore they do not have control over the data. The variables are not defined properly and it is categorized differentially. Qualitative research are that the research quality is based on skills of researcher and rigidity is critical to assess and demonstrate. The findings are time consuming. The challenges are confidentiality. Sometimes, the participants are refused to give their answers to the research questions as they are busy in their personal life. There is possibility of errors as well as objectivity. The study contains errors as the researcher can record what they want and ignore the data that are not conforming to the research hypothesis (Li Chen, 2015). Therefor e, overcoming with the research bias is difficult into this research design process. The methods are tending to flexible and the data are not effective into understanding of the research process (Almorsy, Grundy Mller, 2016). This philosophy is not helpful to generate of theories as well as concepts on the SDN security issues. References Abbott, M.L. McKinney, J., 2013,Understanding and applying research design. John Wiley Sons. Almorsy, M, Grundy, J Mller, I 2016. An analysis of the cloud computing security problem.arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.01107. Braun, W Menth, M, 2014, Software-defined networking using OpenFlow: Protocols, applications and architectural design choices.Future Internet,6(2), pp.302-336. Ioannidis, JP, Greenland, S, Hlatky, MA, Khoury, MJ, Macleod, MR, Moher, D, Schulz, KF Tibshirani, R, 2014, Increasing value and reducing waste in research design, conduct, and analysis.The Lancet,383(9912), pp.166-175. Lewis, S, 2015, Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches.Health promotion practice,16(4), pp.473-475. Li, Y Chen, M, 2015, Software-defined network function virtualization: A survey.IEEE Access,3, pp.2542-2553. Rawat, DB Reddy, SR, 2017, Software defined networking architecture, security and energy efficiency: A survey.IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials,19(1), pp.325-346. Ray, D.C., 2015, Single?Case Research Design and Analysis: Counseling Applications.Journal of Counseling Development,93(4), pp.394-402. Savin-Baden, M. Major, C.H., 2013,Qualitative research: The essential guide to theory and practice. Routledge. Shin, S, Porras, P, Yegneswaran, V Gu, G, 2013, A framework for integrating security services into software-defined networks.Proceedings of the 2013 open networking summit (Research Track poster paper), ser. ONS,13. Wang, B, Zheng, Y, Lou, W Hou, YT 2015, DDoS attack protection in the era of cloud computing and software-defined networking.Computer Networks,81, 308-319. Yin, RK, 2013,Case study research: Design and methods. Sage publications.
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