Friday, November 8, 2019

Doctrine of Satan Essays

Doctrine of Satan Essays Doctrine of Satan Essay Doctrine of Satan Essay Not necessarily a physical bodies Like us. He has Personal, intellectual, and emotional capacities. Hes Powerful. Satan is not all powerful, hes not all knowing, hes smart and intuitive, but not all knowing, and he cant be everywhere at once Hes Limited In time space and In knowledge. Now let me give you some of his names Hes called The prince of this world, the accuser of Christians, the serpent, a dragon, An angel of light In 2 Corinthians 11, this means he can appear to be a good angel, or something holy, but hes wicked Think of the angel morning who appeared to Joseph Smith, as an angel and deceived him s the destroyer, Hes a murderer from the beginning, hes a liar, there is no truth in him. Hes the tempter. Hes like a lion seeking whom he may devour, he blinds unbelievers, hes a oppressor. And hes deceiver. What does Satan do? He opposes the work of God on earth. Mark 4:15 He blinds people to the gospel. 2 Corinthians He looks for opportunities to take advantage of us. Ep hesians 4:27 He creates hardships for messengers of the gospel. 2 Corinthians 12:7 He seeks to destroy you, 1 OFF Listen Satan wants to destroy your Joy, your family your purity, your happiness, everything! Satan is very real, and ruthless Hes described as a dragon.. Revelation 1-5 ! And there are 2 places in the Bible that talk about Satins beginning, and where he went wrong And I want you to turn with me to those 2 places Isaiah 14, and well look at Ezekiel 28, but first Isaiah 14 This in a lot of ways is the doctrine of Satan (Isaiah 14:12-16) You see Satins original name was Lucifer, or day star, or shining star, or morning star, mega star, or super star, many believe none shone brighter than Satan He was Lucifer, it was a great name to have And Lucifer had an eye problem Theres 5 1 oils, I will ascend, I will be worshiped, I will be like God, the Most High he said You see Satan had an l problem. He wanted it to be about him, and we see that Satins downfall was pride, and thats why Pride can be such a problem Me, l, I want people to praise me, and acknowledge me And it begins with an I problem. We look inward, but we need to look upward. And according to vs 16. Were going to look at him, this is the guy, that did that, that made the world So what happened to Lucifer? How did he fall? Pride filled his heart Ezekiel 28 sheds some more light on it Charles Spurges said These saints used the doctrine of atonement not as a pillow to rest their weariness, but as a weapon to subdue their sin. You see the blood of Jesus should be a weapon we use in our lives to overcome those strongholds, and sin we deal with ] Listen what can wash away my sin Nothing but the blood of Jesus!!! You cant do t, listen going to church, and being in a home group, and serving, and going on mission trips, those things are good, but thats now how you overcome Satan Its the blood of the lamb You see you will fail, and you will mess up, and Satan will make you think youre not worthy, and you shouldnt go to church or pray, and you cant read your bible, and God is mad at you, no not true, there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus Listen you defeat sin, and bondage to sin, not by your good works but by the blood of Jesus [Remember in the book of exodus The blood of the lamb ad to be applied to the door [And the more you plead the blood the mor e it makes us want to avoid sin. Satan makes sin seem pleasurable, but the cross reveals its bitterness. If Jesus died because of sin, men begin to see that sin must be a murderous thing. You get it, if you realize Jesus died because of your sin, it makes you want to avoid sin, as much as possible (Spurges)] #2. How did they over #2. The word of their Testimony You know like David, you can say God has lifted me up out of this pit He has given me life You see there is so much power in your testimony, think of all the stoniness Jesus left people, I once was blind but now I see, I once was sick but now Im healed, or for us, I once had no hope, and was on my way to hell, now I have hope, and Im on my way to Heaven You see there is power in a testimony And Vive talked to many of you, and I know many of you are young, and you havent had some crazy wild past, and youve told me, I dont think I have a testimony (sad voice) Are you kidding me What better of a testimony than at a young age I found Jesus or really Jesus found me, and Vive tasted and seen that the Lord is good, and Vive never en anything better out there than Jesus and what He has to offer!!!! Amen You dont have a testimony Cmon Jesus is my testimony, Hes my story, I now have an eternal meaning and purpose You know if you study every cult and every other religion, its about what you do, you need to do something, all other religious systems its man reaching up I can do it, I can reach up, I have the knowledge, but with Christianity, its I once was lost but now Im found, he found me, he did it all, it was by his grace, and its your story, its saying I had no hope, but now Jesus is my hope I was saved by grace, and I will continue in grace Dafter you want Lord, I want your grace, I cant do it without you.. Grace is not Just the beginning point its the only point the gospel is not Just the beginning point, its the only point continue with the gospel There passion in your life for Jesus, and are you telling others about Him.. Testimony is so powerful . You see a [Paul in the book of acts gives his testimony a few times, you know hes before these wise men, and he was one of the wisest men, but he uses his testim ony.. Think of the lame man who walked, and he used his testimony ] And #3 How did they overcome Satan #3. They did not love their lives to the death. You see overcoming the devil means you love the Lord More, and are faithful to Him, even if that means death Literal death You see they werent into themselves, they werent focused on them, they werent living for them, they were living for Him. You know Paul said, I die daily!! You see its not about loving you and living for you, Jesus said if you want to live you must die, and if you die you will live, You see overcoming the enemy means you know your life belongs to God! Listen!!! We dont decide those two dates on the tombstone, but what are we doing with that title dash in the middle Now listen maybe some of you here are here with a heavy heart And you didnt even want to come church makes you feel uncomfortable, you dont fell like youre worthy Listen youre not worthy Lets Just get that out of the way UT lets address the real problem, youre in need your separated from God, and no one should be here but we can be because of what Jesus has done Listen guys, if there is sin, and strongholds in your life, and you feel condemned and like you cant get out Plead the Blood of Jesus Because His blood was shed you can live!

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