Monday, May 27, 2019

Administrator Interview Essay

For class I was to find and administrator in charge of hiring CTE instructors and find the answers to ten call into question questions. I am favorable enough to be teaching at a CTE school and was able to interview my principal. I interviewed Principal Tom Ryan, whos the main campus principal The interview was held face to face in his office on September 28, 2012.This interview was precise helpful in learning an administrators views and thoughts of important issues associated with CTE instructors and CTE programs. Mr. Ryan was very(prenominal) detailed and honest during the interview. I started the interview by asking Mr. Ryan what strengths and weakness he has seen in new CTE instructors. He thought for a moment out front giving a very thought out response.See more than Ethnic groups and racism essayThe strengths knowledge of subject content, familiarity with current pedagogy, compliant because not tenured, enthusiastic, recent employment in manufacturing related field-fam iliar with real world operations, Weaknesses uncertified salary reduction, classroom management skills, not used to working in government bureaucracy, unrealistic expectations pertain to student enthusiasm and behavior, unfamiliar with operating procedures, typically experienced in field but not educated in effective teaching techniques and strategies. (T.Ryan, personal communication, September 27, 2012).After reflecting upon his answer on that point was one point that stands out the most. I strongly agree with his thoughts that new teachers arouse a difficult time dealing with class management strategies. College prep ares one academically for over three years but only offer a short time of practicum experience in the field. When teachers learn to effectively implement classroom management strategies and discipline they can engage students in learning activities for more than 90 percent of allocated time (Cangelosi, 1990, pp. 3-20).Mr. Ryan shared his thoughts of what skills he b elieved would best help newly hired teachers. Beyond subject knowledge a new teacher should be prepared to teach students life skill. Students must learn how to successfully interact with people in the work world 21st century skills. CTE teachers to generate an asset for their schools must arouse enthusiasm, be a team player, impartingness to go the extra mile, establish rapport with students and staff, and collaboration with colleagues.All of these qualities are needed in any job and are taught to our students under 1st Century Learning Skills. Next, I posed the question to Mr. Ryan if you had two applicants for a teaching position in your CTE department, what divisors would you use to select any one of them and why? He responded that he would evaluate their ability to communicate, knowledge of subject matter, recent industry experience, ability to pose skills, and ones perceived ability given in a 45 minute interview to fit into the educational environment why? He simply stat ed, Because these are the skills necessary to successfully teach (T.Ryan, personal communication, September 27, 2012).Before I could ask the next question Mr. Ryan spoke of how he perceived the purpose of CTE. We concord that the purpose of CTE was to prepare students with entry level skills, and to expose them to current industry practices as well as to give them the soft skills 21st Century skills they will need to be successful in the work world or continuing education. One enrolls in a technical education center in order to gain employment upon graduation or move on to post-secondary education.Following the above conversation we switched gears and talked about reasons an educator would be relieved of their position. We discussed that there could be umpteen factors that cause one to lose their job such as poor performance, layoffs due to economy, or program closures. A major factor in letting go of an employee relies on if the educator is tenured or not. Mr. Ryan stated there a re three main reasons that would cause the dismissal of a certified teacher. The two he focused on was immoral or unethical behavior, and incompetence. I feel that these are fireable offensive for any job.A teacher must lead by example one should not ask others to do what they cannot Once a new instructor is hired they are appoint a mentor. A mentors job is to monitor the new instructors progress and provide feedback. This gives the instructor a forum to express the difficulties they encounter in adapting to the new work environment so that it becomes utopia. I shared that when I was first hired I found a mentor to be very helpful. When you first start teaching one has many questions that often the administrator does not have time for and/or the teacher feels uncomfortable asking.There have been many studies done that all show a well-developed mentoring program for new teachers can contribute to the quality of their practice. Moreover, many researchers state that these programs sho w the education organisations commitment to producing well prepared and successful teachers. Mr. Ryan spoke of the different ways that CTE programs could improve. Financing program was at the top of his list. This would allow programs obtain industry level equipment, provide proper staffing, and allow students the opportunity to participate in more internship opportunities by offering transportation.Transportation currently is the one factor preventing many students from obtaining internship positions. Financing would also provide academic support to help students gain the necessary job skills, life skills. Funding would allow for education of reading apprehension skills that will allow them to navigate new information and equip them with reasoning skills so they are able to apply critical thinking to new situations in an ever changing world.This just reiterates the fact of how important the Carl D.Perkins Act was for CTE education. Lastly, we talked about reforms and what he woul d suggest for improving CTE programs and how teachers could prepare for such reforms. His biggest goal even though he thought was unlikely to occur was a shift the bureaucracy to allocating funds to actual instructional needs. Next, he felt it was important for our school to occur to strive for an instructional environment that would maximizes resources to allow all students to not be left behind.

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